AXA PPP healthcare

About AXA PPP healthcare

AXA PPP healthcare yra pirmaujanti savanoriškojo sveikatos draudimo įmonė Didžiojoje Britanijoje. Daugiau nei 35 metų patirtį turinčios įmonės paslaugomis šiandien naudojasi virš 3 milijonų klientų visame pasaulyje. AXA PPP healthcare priklauso antrai pagal dydį Europos draudikei Prancūzų grupei AXA GROUP, kuri yra pasaulio lyderė finansų apsaugos ir turto valdymo srityje. AXA PPP healthcare siūlomas tarptautinis […]

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Sveikatos draudimo bendrovės AXA PPP healthcare planų santrauka

The four levels of cover you can choose from Prestige Plus Prestige Comprehensive Standard
Annual policy benefit allowance Up to €3,825,000 each year Up to €2,550,000 each year Up to €1,900,000 each year Up to €950,000 each year
In-patient cover        
In-patient and day-patient treatment including surgeons’, anaesthetists’, physicians’ and consultants’ charges, diagnostic tests and physiotherapy No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance
Cash benefit for each night you receive free in-patient treatment €190 a night €125 a night €125 a night €125 a night
Parent accommodation. Charges for one parent staying with a child member under 18 Paid in full Paid in full Paid in full Paid in full
In-patient psychiatric treatment 100 days per lifetime membership 100 days per lifetime membership 100 days per lifetime membership 100 days per lifetime membership
Out-patient cover        
Surgical procedures No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance
Medical practitioner charges for consultations No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance

A combined overall limit of €6,375

€380 limit on complementary practitioner charges

€380 limit on vaccinations

A combined overall limit of €3,825

€380 limit on complementary practitioner charges.

€380 limit on vaccinations

Not included - optional add-on available
Diagnostic tests No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance

Consultations and treatment for psychiatric illness


Paid in full up to 30 visits

Paid in full up to 35 sessions

Complementary practitioner charges Paid in full up to 35 sessions
Vaccinations and their administration by a medical practitioner or nurse Up to €635 each year
Chinese herbal medicine Paid in full up to 15 sessions at €125 per session. Included within the complementary practitioner benefit limit Included within the complementary practitioner benefit limit
Out-patient drugs and dressings prescribed by a medical practitioner No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance Up to €635 each year Up to €255 each year
Brain and Body Scans        
Computerised tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan) and positron emission tomography (PET scan). Received as an in-patient, day-patient or out-patient No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance
Cancer cover        
i) Radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Received as an in-patient, day-patient or out-patient No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance
ii) Drug treatment to prevent recurrence of cancer (excluding pre-existing conditions) No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance
iii) Experimental drug treatments as part of an ethically approved drug trial No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance No annual maximum within the overall policy benefit allowance
iv) Follow-up consultations Membership lifetime Membership lifetime Membership lifetime Not included – optional add-on available
Hospital-at-home Up to 28 days Up to 28 days Up to 14 days Not included
Purchase of wigs Up to €190 Up to €190 Up to €190 Up to €190
Day-patient radiotherapy & chemotherapy cash benefit €190 a day up to €6,375 €60 a day up to €6,000 €60 a day up to €6,000 €60 a day up to €6,000
Chronic cover        
Routine follow up consultations and 120 day limit on in-patient treatment Included Included Included Not included
Kidney dialysis. In-patient, day-patient or out-patient treatment €95,600 Up to €63,750 Up to €31,875 Not included
Pregnancy cover        
Routine pregnancy and childbirth (a moratorium applies, please speak to an adviser for details) Up to €15,300 Up to €12,750 (Optional on small corporate Not included schemes) Not included
HIV/ AIDS – HIV/AIDS treatment including Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Up to €51,000 Not included Not included Not included
Palliative care Up to 30 days Up to 30 days
(Cancer diagnosis only)
Not included Not included
Emergency treatment        
Emergency treatment in the USA. Emergency inpatient and day-patient treatment which arises suddenly whilst you are in the USA. Applicable only for plans with worldwide excluding USA area of cover Up to 10 weeks up to a limit of €38,250 Up to 10 weeks up to a limit of €25,500 Up to 6 weeks up to a limit of €19,125 Up to 6 weeks up to a limit of €12,750
Emergency out-patient treatment whilst you are in the USA (not applicable with USA upgrade)

Up to


Not included Not included Not included
Ambulance transport for emergency transport to or between hospitals Up to €890 Up to €635 Up to €635 Up to €635
Evacuation and repatriation service (International emergency in-patient treatment) Included Included Included Included
Health and wellbeing cover        
Non-routine dental care. For example, replacing crowns 80% of costs incurred up to €4,450 50% of costs incurred up to €635 50% of costs incurred up to €405 50% of costs incurred up to €405
Routine dental care. For example, check ups, scale and polish Not included – optional add-on available Not included – optional add-on available Not included
Accidental damage to teeth Up to €12,750 Up to €12,750 Up to €12,750 Up to €12,750
Optical cover Up to €255 Up to €125 Up to €125 Not included
Eyesight test cover Paid in full for one eyesight test Paid in full for one eyesight test Paid in full for one eyesight test Not included
Health check Up to €510 towards a health check for each member on the policy Up to €380 each year towards a health check for each member on the policy Not included Not included
Disability compensation cover Up to €127,500 Up to €63,750 Not included Not included
External prosthesis Up to €4,450 Up to €3,200 Up to €2,550 Up to €1,900
Support and helplines        
Health at Hand Included Included Included Included
Security Hotline Included Included Included Included
Doctor, Dental, Optical helpline Included Included Included Included
Interpretation service helpline Included Included Included Included
Personal Medical Case Management Included Included Included Included
International Travel Plan Included Included Optional Optional


You can help control the cost of your premium by adding an excess to your policy. We offer five levels of excess, per person, per year:

Excess amounts:

  • €125
  • €320
  • €640
  • €1,275
  • €2,550

Exclusions: What’s not included in the health plans

Our International Health Plans are designed to cover treatment of medical conditions that respond quickly to treatment – known as acute conditions. Like most health insurance policies, there are a number of exclusions and limitations on the plans and this is just a summary of the most significant exclusions and limitations:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions; options to include these are available for company schemes of five or more
  • Routine dentist check-ups for Standard, Comprehensive or Prestige plans (available as an add-on to Comprehensive and Prestige plans)
  • Routine pregnancy and childbirth on Standard or Comprehensive plans (available as an add-on to Comprehensive plans for corporate schemes only)
  • Preventative treatment
  • Ongoing, recurrent or long-term treatment of long-term illnesses (usually referred to as Chronic conditions) if you have the Standard plan
  • Any treatment costs incurred as a result of engaging in or training for any sport for which you receive a salary or monetary reimbursement, including grants or sponsorship (unless you receive travel costs only).

Full details of what members are and are not covered for are provided in the membership handbook, or are available on request.

About the Author: admin