Allianz Worldwide Care

About Allianz Worldwide Care, health insurance company

Draudimo kompanija Allianz Worldwide Care teikia tarptautinius sveikatos, gyvybės draudimo, nedarbingumo draudimo sprendimus. Mūsų tikslas yra įgyti ir išlaikyti klientų lojalumą teikiant pirmaujantį paslaugų lygį bei paramą. Mes esame tarptautinis Allianz Worldwide Partners sveikatos padalinys ir Allianz Group dalis. Turėdama apie 148.000 darbuotojų visame pasaulyje, Allianz Group aptarnauja daugiau kaip 83 milijonus klientų daugiau nei 70 šalių. Įkurta 1890 m., šiandien “Allianz Group” […]

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Allianz sveikatos draudimo planų palyginimas:

 Core Plans - In-patient benefits Premier Individual Club Individual Classic Individual Essential Individual
Maximum plan benefit €2,250,000 €1,500,000 €1,125,000 €500,000
Hospital accommodation Private room Private room Private room Semi-private room
Prescription drugs and materials (in-patient and day-care treatment only) Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Surgical fees, including anaesthesia & theatre charges Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Physician and therapist fees (in-patient and day-care treatment only) Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Surgical appliances and prostheses Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Diagnostic tests (in-patient and day-care treatment only) Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Organ transplant Full refund Full refund Full refund €10,000
Psychiatry and psychotherapy (in-patient and day-care treatment only)(10 month waiting period applies) Full refund €6,000 €5,000 €5,000
Accommodation costs for one parent staying in hospital with an insured child under 18 Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Emergency in-patient dental treatment Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Day-care treatment Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Out-patient surgery Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Nursing at home or in a convalescent home (immediately after or instead of hospitalisation) €4,250 €2,830 €2,500 €2,500
Rehabilitation treatment (in-patient, day-care and out-patient treatment, immediately after acute medical treatment ceases) €4,420 €3,000 €2,500 €2,000
Local ambulance Full refund Full refund Full refund €500
Emergency treatment outside area of cover (for trips of a maximum period of six weeks) Full Refund
Max. 42 days
Full Refund
Max. 42 days
Full Refund
Max. 42 days
Up to €10,000
max. 42 days
Medical evacuation        
Where necessary treatment is not available locally, we will evacuate the insured person to the nearest appropriate medical centre Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Where ongoing treatment is required, we will cover hotel accommodation costs Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Evacuation in the event of unavailability of adequately screened blood Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
If medical necessity prevents an immediate return trip following discharge from an in-patient episode of care, we will cover hotel accommodation costs Full refund,
max. 7 days
Full refund,
max. 7 days
Full refund,
max. 7 days
Full refund,
max. 7 days
Expenses for one person accompanying an evacuated person €3,000 €3,000 €3,000 €3,000
NEW Travel costs of insured family members in the event of an evacuation €2,000 €2,000 €2,000 €2,000
Repatriation of mortal remains €10,000 €10,000 €10,000 €10,000
NEW Travel costs of insured family members in the event of the repatriation of mortal remains €2,000 €2,000 €2,000 €2,000
CT scans (in-patient and out-patient treatment) Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
MRI, PET and CT-PET scans (in-patient and out-patient treatment) Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Oncology (in-patient, day-care and out-patient treatment) Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Complications of pregnancy(in-patient and out-patient treatment)
(10 month waiting period applies)
Full refund Full refund Full refund N/A
Laser eye treatment (limited to one treatment per lifetime) €1,000
per lifetime
per lifetime
In-patient cash benefit (per night) (where treatment has been received free of charge) €150
Max. 25 nights
Max. 25 nights
Max. 25 nights
Max. 25 nights
Emergency out-patient treatment (where these benefit amounts are reached, any additional costs may be reimbursed within the terms of any separate out-patient plan) €750 €750 €750 N/A
Emergency out-patient dental treatment (where these benefit amounts are reached, any additional costs may be reimbursed within the terms of any separate dental plan) €750 €500 N/A N/A
Palliative care and long term care Full refund, max. 30 days per lifetime Full refund, max. 30 days per lifetime Full refund, max. 30 days per lifetime Full refund, max. 30 days per lifetime
Accidental death (insured members aged 18 to 70) €10,000 N/A N/A N/A


Out-patient Plans

Cover for ‘day to day’ or routine treatments such as visits to your doctor, diagnostic tests, vaccinations and specialist fees. Deductibles are available on our Out-patient Plans.

 Out-patient Plans Gold Individual Silver Individual Bronze Individual Crystal Individual
Maximum plan benefit No Limit €9,000 €5,500 €2,500
Medical practitioner fees and prescription drugs Full refund Full refund €1,000 €1,000
Specialist fees Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Diagnostic tests Full refund Full refund Full refund Full refund
Vaccinations Full refund Full refund Full refund N/A
Chiropractic treatment, osteopathy, homeopathy, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture(max. 12 sessions per condition for chiropractic treatment and max. 12 sessions per condition for osteopathic treatment, subject to the benefit limit) Full refund Full refund €1,125 €500
Prescribed physiotherapy, speech therapy, oculomotor therapy and [occupational therapy] Full refund Full refund €1,125 €500
Routine health checks including screening for early detection of illness or diseaseChecks include:
Cardiovascular exam
Neurological exam
Cancer screening
- Annual pap smear
- Mammogram (for women aged 50+, or earlier where a family history exists)
- Prostate screening (for men aged 50+, or earlier where a family history exists)Well child test (for children up to the age of six years, up to a maximum of 15 visits per lifetime)
€800 €600 N/A N/A
Infertility treatment (18 month waiting period applies) €12,000
per lifetime
per lifetime
Psychiatry and psychotherapy (18 month waiting period applies) 30 visits 20 visits N/A N/A
Prescribed medical aids Full refund €2,500 N/A N/A
Prescribed glasses and contact lenses €200 €180 N/A N/A


Dental Plans

To help you reduce your dental healthcare bills.

 Dental Plans Dental 1 Dental 2
Maximum plan benefit No Limit €2,050
Dental treatment 100% refund 80% refund
Dental surgery 100% refund 80% refund
Periodontics 80% refund 80% refund
Orthodontic treatment and dental prostheses (10 month waiting period applies) 65% refund
Up to €5,000
50% refund


Repatriation Plan

This plan offers medical repatriation. This means that if the necessary treatment for which you are covered is not available locally, you can return to your home country for treatment, rather than to the nearest appropriate medical centre.

Medical repatriation
Where the necessary treatment is not available locally, you can choose to be medically repatriated to your home country instead of to the nearest appropriate medical centre Full refund
Where ongoing treatment is required, we will cover hotel accommodation costs Full refund
Repatriation in the event of unavailability of adequately screened blood Full refund
If medical necessity prevents an immediate return trip following discharge from an in-patient episode of care, we will cover hotel accommodation costs Full refund,
max. 7 days
Expenses for one person accompanying a repatriated person €3,000
NEW Travel costs of insured family members in the event of a repatriation €2,000
NEW Travel costs of insured members to be with a family member who is at peril of death or who has died €1,500
per lifetime


About the Author: admin